![]() | Name:The Little Prince Author:Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Publisher:Mariner Books
A pilot crashes in the Sahara Desert and encounters a strange young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. a pilot tells him the story of how he grew up on a tiny asteroid before travelling across the galaxies and coming to Earth. The Little Prince has traveled there from his home on a lonely, distant asteroid with a single rose. The story that follows is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking meditation on human nature. His encounters and discoveries, seen through childlike, innocent eyes, give rise to candid reflections on life and human nature.
First published in 1943 and featuring the author's own watercolour illustrations, The Little Prince has since become a classic philosophical fable for young and old, as well as a global publishing phenomenon, selling tens of millions of copies worldwide and being translated into dozens of languages.
Ref_Num: 005
![]() | Name:Troublemaker Author:John Cho Publisher:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Troublemaker follows the events of the LA Riots through the eyes of 12-year-old Jordan as he navigates school and family. This book will highlight the unique Korean American perspective.
12-year-old Jordan feels like he can't live up to the example his older sister set, or his parent's expectations. When he returns home from school one day hoping to hide his suspension, Los Angeles has reached a turning point. In the wake of the acquittal of the police officers filmed beating Rodney King, as well as the shooting of a young black teen, Latasha Harlins by a Korean store owner, the country is at the precipice of confronting its racist past and present.
As tensions escalate, Jordan's father leaves to check on the family store, spurring Jordan and his friends to embark on a dangerous journey to come to his aide, and come to terms with the racism within and affecting their community.
Ref_Num: 004
![]() | 書名:一個人的療癒:真正的放下,是你不介意再度提起 作者:約翰.詹姆斯/羅素.傅里曼 出版社:大是文化有限公司
Ref_Num: 003
![]() | 書名:《大話廣府 (下冊)》 作者:大話國 出版社:萬里機構
「食」方面,作者團隊走進燒臘店,觀察師傅烹煮白切雞的技法。有言「無雞不成宴」, 廣東人的筵席上總會有全雞奉客,就算是名貴菜式,也會加入雞來烹煮。廣東人會以「皮爽肉滑、骨都有味」作為定義白切雞是否上乘之作。白切雞烹煮工序包括「提」、「浸」、「冷」。「提」,意指將雞放入煮沸的白滷水中,再馬上提起,重複三次。「浸」,即以文火浸雞,浸至剛熟的狀態。「冷」,即將雞浸入冰水「過冷河」,令雞皮收縮緊致,獲得爽脆嫩滑的口感。繪本圖文集以漫畫、相片及文字重現美食烹調的過程,躍然紙上,讓讀者食指大動。
Ref_Num: 002
![]() | 書名:色彩心理學:活用色彩知識,並使用色彩隱藏的力量 作者:Paw Paw Production 出版社:晨星出版有限公司
《色彩心理學:活用色彩知識,並使用色彩隱藏的力量》是一本揉合文化及心理元素的工具書,從色彩運用的心理效果、色彩結構、色彩與文化,到顏色的由來、歷史以及與生活相關的知識,涉獵廣博。 以日常生活為例,粉紅色可以減輕心中不安的情緒,有鎮靜同放鬆的效果,故用於嬰兒的衣服,亦代表著母親的愛。學習方面,藍色能夠提升集中力;紅色能夠提升緊張感,從而提升短期記憶。同時,本文亦建議學生選取辨識性較高的顏色筆標示溫習內容,藉以刺激思考,相信上述知識能夠協助我們選擇合適的文具摘錄筆記,從而提升學習效能。本著作則介紹各種顏色與心理學的關係,繼而詳述相關顏色於日常生活的應用,引人入勝。 本文採用有趣的插圖及清晰的圖文呈現色彩的配搭及視覺效果,簡單易明,助讀者認識色彩隱藏的力量。
Ref_Num: 001