收生準則Admission criteria | 比重(百分比) Proportion (percentage) |
教育局成績次第及學業成績 Education Bureau grades and academic results | 40% |
中英語文能力 Chinese and English proficiency | 20% |
面試表現 Interview Performance | 20% |
操行 Conduct | 15% |
學業以外表現 Non-academic performance | 5% |
星期一至五:上午8:30 – 下午5:00
星 期 六:上午8:30 – 中午12:00
1. 填妥的表格及其他文件須於2/1/2024至16/1/2024 (星期二)內親身交回本校
2. 透過教育局電子平台遞交申請表(申請人必須具有智方便+的戶口)
- 「自行分配學位」的教育局存根、學校存根、家長存根(相同編號)
- 近照一張(貼於申請表)
- 身分證正本*及副本
- 小五、小六成績表正本*及副本
- 課外活動證書及獎狀正本*及影印本(如適用)
- 貼上2.2元郵票的回郵信封2個
1. 所有申請人都有面試機會,日期為2024年3月2日或3月9日(星期六),面試時間將會以書面通知 (面試所需文件:學生身分證、小五及小六成績表、小五及小六手冊及家課冊、其他證書及獎狀)
2. 不需要提交小學推薦信。
- 透過書面及電話通知正取學生家長
- 備取及落選學生將不會被通知
- 獲通知家長毋須就有關通知作出回應
Personal Information Collection Statement
Purpose of Collection
1. 你在本表格提供的個人資料,會供東莞工商總會劉百樂中學用於以下一項或多項用途:
The personal data provided by you in this form will be used by GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School for one or more of the following purposes:
(a) 處理、核實、審核資格及查證各項補助和津貼,以及由東莞工商總會劉百樂中學提供的教育服務的申請;
Activities relating to the processing, authentication and assessment on eligibility and counter-checking of the form for individual grant and subsidy as well as education service provided by the GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School;
(b) 就上文(a)項所述申請的處理、核實、審核資格及查證,將個人資料與政府相關政策局/部門資料庫進行核對;
Activities relating to matching of the personal data with the database of other relevant Government bureaux / departments in connection with the processing, authentication, assessment on eligibility and counter-checking of the form mentioned in (a) above;
(c) 將個人資料與教育局資料庫進行核對,以核實/更新東莞工商總會劉百樂中學的記錄;以及
Activities relating to matching of the personal data within the database of GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School for purposes of verifying / updating records of the GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School; and
(d) 編製統計資料、研究及東莞工商總會劉百樂中學刊物。
Activities relating to compilation of statistics, research and GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School publications.
2. 你必須按本表格的要求及於本校處理本表格的過程中提供個人資料。假如你沒有提供該等個人資料,本校可能無法辦理或繼續處理有關表格。
The provision of personal data required by this form and during the processing of this form is obligatory. In the event that you do not provide those personal data,we may not be able to handle or further process the form.
Classes of Transferees
3. 你提供的個人資料會供東莞工商總會劉百樂中學人員取閱。除此之外,本校 亦可能會向下列各方或在下述情況轉移或披露該等個人資料:
The personal data you provide will be made available to persons working in GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School. Apart from this, they may be transferred or disclosed to the parties or in the circumstances listed below:-
(a) 政府其他政策局及部門,以用於上文第1段所述的用途;
other Government bureau and departments for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;
(b) 與本表格相關的學校,以用於上文第1段所述的用途;
the school in which the form relates for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;
(c) 你曾就披露個人資料給予訂明同意;以及
where you have given your prescribed consent to such disclosure; and
(d) 根據適用於香港的法例或法庭命令授權或規定披露個人資料 。
where such disclosure is authorised or required under the law or court order applicable to Hong Kong.
Access to Personal Data
4. 你有權要求查閱及更正東莞工商總會劉百樂中學所持有關於你的個人資料。如需查閱或更正個人資料,請以書面向以下人士提出:校長(地址:新界沙田大圍積泰里一號或電郵:info@lplss.edu.hk)。
You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by GCC&ITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to School Principal at 1, Chik Tai Lane, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T. or email to info@lplss.edu.hk.